Recently I have been pleasantly buried in a project – as many writers will understand this is a happy place to be and I enjoy it immensely. The downside to being totally immersed like this is pre-scheduling blogs and not being able to spend the time I enjoy visiting my favorite blogs. While playing catch up I found a very pleasant surprise. I have been awarded the Superior Scribbler Award…actually twice. Now how cool is that? I received this award from a couple of my favorite sites – Major Musings and Myth-Takes. I am very honored to have been thought of for this award and in turn gladly pay it forward.
The Superior Scribbler Award:

The Superior Scribbler Award:
1. Each Superior Scribbler must in turn pass The Award on to 5 most-deserving Bloggy buds.
2. Each Superior Scribbler must link to the author & the name of the blog from whom he/she has received The Award.
3. Each Superior Scribbler must display The Award on his/her blog, and link to this post, which explains the award.
4. Blogger who wins The Superior Scribbler Award must visit this post and add his/her name to the Mr. Linky List. That way, we'll be able to keep up-to-date on everyone who receives This Prestigious Honor!
5. Each Superior Scribbler must post these rules on his/her blog.
Here are my nominees of 5 terrific bloggers (in no specific order):
1). Galen Kindley Imagineering Fiction
2). Katie Hines Walking on Water
3). Pat Bertram Bertram’s Blog
4). Kevin Collier Kevin Scott Collier’s Homepage
Congratulations to the nominees and may they carry the torch proudly.

L. Diane Wolfe “Spunk On A Stick”
So, this is a regular stop on my blog jumping tour. I drop in today, and what do I find??? My name and blog listed as a Superior Scribble Award Nominee. How cool! I’m well…honored, thank you Nancy. Wouldn’t my old blog tour friends be amazed. Come to think of it, I’m amazed.
Okay, as to the requirements. I added my name to the log roll. Check. Now. I gotta…post the award—that’s easy, can do, post the rules—can do, and the hard part…or easy, name five others. That’s hard because there are so many deserving folk out there. That one’s gonna take some time to think through.
Anyway, thanks again, Nancy, now, I’m gonna run back home and see about getting this graphic up.
Best Regards, Galen
Imagineering Fiction Blog
Okay, so, adding the graphic isn't that simple. I'll figure it out. Just need the right widget.
Well deserved and great recommendations!
The Old Silly
Congratulations! It always feels great to win.
...Is it me or did the person above me post purely to advertise her many many links? O.o
Aw, Nancy. You're so sweet. I'm honored. Thank you. Now comes the hard part, deciding among all the super blogs which to send the award to.
Thank you so much, everyone. I was pleasantly surprised I must say. I have wonderful blog friends!
Nancy, from Realms of Thought…
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