The blog got a facelift over the holiday weekend. You critiqued dear readers, I tried to listen. What do you think? Does this work? I tried to keep fantasy elements but open the blog up for other types of kid - YA books since I have a picture book coming out in March (not fantasy).
This is the "Before" screenshot: Now, the "
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Japanese Literary Terms
2 days ago
Nancy, I love it! I really do. I like the 3-columns, too. You've incorporated a lot of elements but it doesn't look crowded.
Mystery Writing is Murder
Nice work, Nancy. It's much more unique and "you" than the old stock layout. Way to go. I've done several blog makeovers and I know what a mountain of work it is. But it's worth it to get your own look and feel. Sweet! :)
The Old Silly
I liked it so much, I Tweeted it! Yeah, I agree with Marvin, much nicer than the standard theme you had. I marvel at the work it must have taken. I especially like the graphics. THe newspaper thing is very clever. I'm so jealous.
Best regards, Galen
Imagineering Fiction Blog
Thank you so much Elizabeth, Marvin, Galen and Karen! Huge sigh of relief, lol! I always get a big knot of anxiety in the pit of my stomach when I ask for opinions on something I have done and this was a pretty big change. I had a hard time finding something new - I found one template that I really liked but it was also an antiqued brown kind of color combination (and a couple folks mentioned they weren't big fans of the colors that template wouldn't allow for a graphic in the banner - and we know I like my graphics, lol)
Nancy, from Realms of Thought…
I like it better! More pleasant to look at, for sure. I can tell you put a lot of work into it this weekend!
Thanks Alexis! Most of the Blogger templates seem to be just 2 column - I like the 3 column option better, feels more balanced.
Nancy, from Realms of Thought…
Looks great, Nancy. The three- column design is really nice. I'm not a fan of the stark-white background, but that's just me (also have an aversion to chartreuse and pink). Your layout makes more room for blogrolls which is my favorite thing to check out on blogs, so I definitely like that.
Like it!! Much more creative and eye-catching. There's so much more to see and it's modern, colorful, and inviting.
Hi Patricia and Karen! I totally agree - I am not a huge fan of all that white either - reminds me of writers block - but I have to admit, the blog is a lot easier to read from my blackberry this way. I want to check and see if there is a way to tweak it and the pink letters and perhaps change the colors a tad. Not sure how to do it though. Definitely liking the three columns though. I do not always adapt quickly to change, but I think I like this (grin)
Thanks for your thoughts!
Nancy, from Realms of Thought…
I'm echoing the crowd, but I like it. It's clean, readable, inviting, and I'm envious of the three columns. Maybe a tad white, but that's better than so much color, the reader is overwhelmed.
Great job. Over the next holiday weekend, want to do mine?
Straight From Hel
Thank you Helen! Yeah, the three columns is what did it for me too. Wish I spoke enough computer to tweak the background color into something...pastel maybe? Just a hint of color. But, hey - white is easy to read, so I'm really not complaining.
I am really appreciative of everyone being so supportive. It was a lot of work but I think it was time to change it up.
Nancy, from Realms of Thought…
Ooooh! Found the color thingee...
How's blue?
I lilke the blue color! I just got through reading all the previous comments and wondered why they kept talking about the whiteness! And I love the illustration of the three children. But shouldn't your name be more prominent up top?
Congrats for having the courage to change, especially on a holiday weekend.
Julie Lomoe's Musings Mysterioso
Hi Julie! Thanks for stopping by! LOL, yeah, it was originally a white background - I found the thingee that gives you color option changes after I did the "unveiling" I think I like it better blue. With this template you have limited space for the name and subtitle/description - can't seem to move or resize the picture but I'm going to put my name where the little wizard guy is in another day or so.
Nancy, from Realms of Thought…
What everybody else said. It's gorgeous. You're so creative, Nancy. I need to overhaul my generic one.
Hi Bev! Every so often I seem to undergo changes - in the blogs and websites. When the new school year starts I hope to get the Destineers blog going again. I was thinking Monday, Wednesday, Friday here (Realms of Thought); Tuesday and Thursday on the Destineers blog and Friday the Cybrarian book reviews is the schedule I am hoping for.
Nancy, from Realms of Thought…
Sounds like a good plan. I'm trying to work out a schedule for my blogs, but so far haven't kept to it. Must get organized.
Hi Bev,
That is the plan...saying it out loud seems to help me make it real. Hopefully it will come to fruition!
Nancy, from Realms of Thought…
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