Thursday, June 18, 2009

Pearls of Wisdom, Part II

There are many pieces of wisdom used on the internet in signature blocks. While many people use their signature block as his or her own private advertising space to direct someone to a website, a blog, or advertise whatever they may be promoting, it is not unusual for a favorite quote to be included. Some relay sage advice, some deep philosophical revelations, some are used to share a smile through humor. Some interesting ones I have come across recently include:

"They say a picture is worth a thousand words. But let me tell you, a story is worth a million pictures."
~Randall Ingermanson

This is a wonderful observation. Stories play out in our heads, like our own private showing of a movie, not filled with the special effects of Hollywood, but of marvelous descriptive passages that allow us to create the scene and see the details of the story.

If you think you can, or if you think you can't, you're right.
~Henry Ford

Here is another insightful observation for your consideration. Have you ever heard of the theory of self-fulfilling prophecy? Does this quote not cut the reader to the quick ~ if you think you can you are inspired to try and continue trying until you accomplish what you set out to do. On the other hand, if you tell yourself you cannot accomplish the task at hand ~ if you lack the self-confidence to achieve your goal, you often tend to (unconsciously) hold yourself back assuring that you do, in fact, fail to accomplish the task at hand.

What lies behind us and what lies before us
Are small matters compared to what lies within us.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

and a comparable

It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.

Even in literature such as Harry Potter, we receive sage advice.

And, along the lines of fantasy comes one of my favorite quotations I have seen in a signature block, an excellent example of imagination and humor.

Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy and good with ketchup.

The final quotation I will leave you with is particularly applicable to those to whom the Muse whispers,

"The first chapter sells the book. The last chapter sells the next book."

~Mickey Spillane

May your Muse always whisper in your ear, encouraging you. Just a thought…
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Alexis Grant said...

OOO I like the last one! Hadn't heard that one before.

N A Sharpe said...

I kind of like that one myself!

Nancy, from Just a Thought…

Anonymous said...

I love great quotes and these ones are exceptionally good. :)

The Old Silly From Free Spirit blog

N A Sharpe said...

Hi Karen,
Actually that one is from Mickey Spillane. Thanks for stopping.

Hey Marvin, I know - quotes can really make you think, be inspirational, or just be a good laugh!

Nancy, from Just a Thought…

joe doaks-Author said...

I always get a kick out of reading these tag lines. But, you gotta pick carefully. People can draw conclusions about you based on the quotation you use. With a little imagination, you could see where this could be a problem! Yikes.

Best Regards, Galen

Helen Ginger said...

I like all of those. It would be difficult to choose. Maybe Dumbledore. Or Spillane.

Straight From Hel

Danyelle L. said...

I love these quotes! My favorite's the dragon one. :D

N A Sharpe said...

Hi Galen, Helen and Danyelle!

These are actual taglines some of my friends use. I am always intrigued at the little taglines they add to their website/book links. PS I like the dragon one too, Danyelle - it always makes me smile!

Nancy, from Just a Thought…

KK Brees said...

I tweeted it! I really did! A first for me and it was easy. Now to figure out how to do that on mine. Thanks Nancy.

As for the quotes, I liked Mickey Spillane's. The pseudo-Zen type turn me off. You think there's some deep meaning but there really isn't.

N A Sharpe said...

Hi Karen! Thanks for tweeting :D
It's really easy to add the button - I'd be happy to show you how.

I like Mickey Spillane's quote too - great advice to keep in mind while writing!

Nancy, from Just a Thought…

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